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SCYFFA-South Carolina Youth Flag Football Association

News Detail


Oct, 2018

Fall 2018 Starts October 13th


WELCOME to another exciting season of NFL Flag Football!!

Our season is ready to begin this Saturday October 13th. 

There are NO Games this week-  PRACTICE ONLY
Games will begin on October 20th
Starting next week, practice is on the main stadium field and games are on the back practice field

Here is the weekly schedule:
Ages 9-10    Practice 9am,  Game 10am
Ages 7-8      Practice 10am,  Game 11am
Ages 11-13  Practice 11am, Game 12pm
Ages 3-4     Practice 11am, Game 12pm
Ages 5-6     Practice 12pm, Game 1pm

Just a few notes (and rules from Socastee HS):
- Jerseys/flags will be passed out on Saturday. Each player will get their jersey from their coach.
- ALL players must have a mouthpiece for practice AND games
- Black shorts or sweatpants are recommended- no pockets if possible, otherwise tape over the pockets to avoid finger injuries
- First games will be Saturday October 20th.
- Please be responsible for your child's flags- we do not get extras; 
- We do have a concession stand that is open with drinks, food and snacks- cash only at this time.
- Picture Day TBD-  info will be provided soon
- NO parking beyond the gate in the back- we can not have cars on the grass
- No pets
- No smoking
- Bring a lawn chair- there are no bleachers in the back field
PLEASE- no yelling at the referees or coaches. You will be asked to leave for disruptive behaviors.

Registration ended yesterday, so coaches will be notified tomorrow and provided with their team roster and contact information.
They will be calling players in the beginning of the week. 
(Practice times are set by age groups and are the same regardless of your child's team)

As always, please check our website at or our facebook page for updates.
Rain out days will be posted on both sites by 8:30am.

We thank you for all of your support!

James Jones
Commissioner- South Carolina NFL Youth Flag Football Association


South Carolina Youth Flag Football Association